Wellesley Residents Trust – Update
Each home owner that moves to Wellesley agrees to become a member of the Wellesley Residents Trust – the estate management company responsible for maintaining in perpetuity the open spaces and estate areas of the Wellesley development.
The Trust will be responsible for and contribute towards the maintenance of private roads, footpaths, verges, open spaces, community spaces and the Wellesley Woodlands. The Trust is not responsible for property defects, anti-social behaviour or unadopted roads or landscaped areas that are not yet transferredto WRT. The latest set of accounts and invoices (if applicable) were delivered to members in April.
The Board of Directors for Wellesley Residents Trust is currently made up of:
- Grainger plc
- Grainger Trust
- Defence Infrastructure Organisation
- The Land Trust
- Rushmoor Borough Council
- Hampshire County Council
Wellesley Residents Committee
We will shortly be inviting residents to get involved with setting up a Wellesley Residents Committee. Once established, representatives from the association will be able to meet with relevant bodies to share any resident queries or concerns and will eventually nominate a member to sit on the Wellesley Residents Trust Board of Directors.
We will send out invitations via the ‘Wellesley Living’ portal.
Residents Portal
Residential Management Group Limited (RMG) has now taken over the bookkeeping facilities for Wellesley Residents Trust. They also provide a call centre function for residents as well as an online resident portal – Wellesley Living.
All home owners should have recently received a welcome letter from RMG shortly to explain who they are and how to access the portal.
Via the portal you will be able to access your service change account (if applicable), see the latest news and events from across the development, report any issues and much more.
We will also be able to send you alerts to make you aware of anything urgent. Please do amend your portal settings so you can receive notifications from us.