The UK’s largest listed residential landlord
Grainger plc has been the creator and custodian of wonderful places to live for over a century.
Founded in Newcastle-upon-Tyne in 1912, it is the UK’s largest listed residential landlord and a market leader in the UK build to rent and private rented sector (PRS).
After being appointed by the Defence Infrastructure Organisation as Development Manager for Wellesley in 2011, Grainger’s vision is to enrich the areas already strong heritage and community spirit to create a place that people feel proud to call home.
With its award-winning design scheme, Grainger is creating 3,850 new homes for the whole community — from affordable housing through to shared ownership and private rentals and sales. Grainger will continue to manage the neighbourhood long after the final homes are completed so that Wellesley continues to flourish.
Find out more about Grainger plc.