Each home owner that moves to Wellesley agrees to become a member of the Wellesley Residents Trust – the estate management company responsible for maintaining the open spaces and estate areas within the Wellesley development.

The Trust will be responsible for and contribute towards the maintenance of private roads and footpaths, verges, open spaces, community spaces and the Wellesley Woodlands. The Trust is not responsible for property defects, anti-social behaviour (including parking) or roads/ landscaped areas that are not yet transferred to WRT.

Handover of estate areas
We have been working with Bellway and Ashberry Homes to prepare the first estate areas to be handed over to the Wellesley Residents Trust for management on Maida and Corunna.

Wellesley Residents Trust were looking to take practical completion of these communal areas in November last year. However, on inspection there were still a number of outstanding defects which had not been completed. It is hoped that the areas will be ready later this Spring.
Once the areas are handed over to Wellesley Residents Trust, they will go on a maintenance programme agreed with the housebuilders before the Trust takes formal handover and responsibility for the management of these areas.

Currently Wellesley Residents Trust has not taken handover of any of the estate areas from the housebuilders, and as such residents are not paying for any maintenance fees – the only fees that are currently being charged to residents are the annual maintenance costs of the Wellesley Woodlands and management and bookkeeping costs. You can find out more about the budget breakdowns on the Wellesley Living Residents Portal.


A reminder that if you are a member of Wellesley Residents Trust and are looking to sell your home at Wellesley, please do ask your solicitor to get in touch with the Trust on info@wellesleyhampshire.co.uk. If requested we can provide a Management (Sales) pack. The new purchaser will also need to complete paperwork in respect of WRT and we can provide further information on request.

Covenants and Article 4 Planning Direction

When moving to Wellesley all residents agree to adhere to certain rules by signing a Deed of Covenant. This includes not making any changes to the appearance of your property (including building a summer house, shed or garden office) without approval from the Trust.

You can find more information about the Covenants on our  ‘Wellesley Living’ residents portal, in your signed Deed of Covenant, or by contacting Wellesley Residents Trust on info@wellesleyhampshire.co.uk

Article 4
It is also worth noting that in January 2020, Rushmoor Borough Council passed an Article 4 direction over Wellesley which introduces additional planning controls, meaning that the following works within
the boundary of a property now require planning permission:
• Any works to replace, improve or alter any windows
• The conversion of garages to habitable rooms
• Making, enlarging, improving or altering a hard surface at the front of a property
• Erecting, altering or demolishing a gate, wall or fence at the front of a property
• The installation, alteration or replacement of a microwave antenna on a chimney, wall or roof slope, or within any part of the boundary of the property that faces onto, and is visible from a highway, waterway or open spaces.

If you are thinking of carrying out any work to your property it is advisable to enter into pre-application discussion with the council. For more information on the Article 4 Direction, please visit