Please be aware that we will be closing a section of Queens Avenue to vehicles between 5am on Friday 26th through until 11pm on Saturday 27th March 2021 while our contractor carries out the final resurfacing works to the road.

During the closure vehicle access to homes at Wellesley, the Cambridge Primary School and the Centre for Health will remain open. Pedestrian access to Queens Avenue will remain open at all times. Please see map below showing the closure and diversion routes that will be in place.

Queens Ave Resurfacing Diversion Map – all

We have also made diversion arrangements with the Bus Service (Stagecoach) to ensure that the impact on their customers is kept to a minimum. Anyone using the bus service can get in touch with Stagecoach directly for more information

We apologise for the disruption that this closure will cause. Once this resurfacing work has been carried out and following a final inspection, our works to this phase of Queens Avenue will be complete. All temporary traffic lights, road closures and diversion routes that have been in place since last year will be removed and the area reopened.

Our Contractors; Natta, will be carrying out the resurfacing works, and in the case of an emergency please contact them on 07917 850329.

Please get in touch with us if you have any questions or concerns by emailing