Wellesley is now home to over 800 families.
Queens Avenue Works
Our Queens Avenue works are progressing well and on track to be completed by the end of March – and we thank you for your patience.
The final element of these works will see us need to close a section of Queens Avenue to vehicles for two days at the end of March to enable the final surfacing to be laid. During this time a diversion route will be in place. Access to all homes at Wellesley and the Cambridge Primary School will remain open at all times.
We will be in touch with all residents to notify them of the details of the diversion routes separately.
Pennefathers Road junction
In our last newsletter we explained that we were undertaking a speed survey along the Farnborough Road before we could start the second phase of work to create a pedestrian crossing. The survey was completed and submitted to Hampshire County Council at the end of last year. We are now waiting for the council to confirm when we can recommence the works to finish creating the crossing.
Stanhope and Buller
Taylor Wimpey have submitted a planning application for their development phase at Wellesley. The phase, located to the south east of Alisons Road will see 430 new homes created.
Site hoarding will be going up shortly and Taylor Wimpey hope to start work on site before the end of the year.
Neighbourhood Centre
The Neighbourhood Centre at Wellesley will be created on the corner of Queens Avenue and Alison’s Road (opposite the Cambridge Primary School) and will include the renovation of the 4th Division Headquarters building.
We are reviewing the area in detail and hopefully will look to submit a planning application later in the year. The exact layout has not yet been decided, but it is likely to include a convenience store, nursery and some small commercial units. We are also investigating other potential community facilities and we will share more details with Wellesley residents as our details progress. If all goes well, we would like to start construction works next year.
Wellesley Community Rooms
The Wellesley Community Rooms remain closed and we continue to monitor the Government guidance that is released. As soon as we feel we are able to reopen safely we will inform
residents, hirers and the wider community.